What Does A Psychological-Educational Assessment Involve?
The purpose of the evaluation process is to discover why there is a problem. Once the problem is identified, a specific treatment plan is designed, including strategies and interventions, which are tailored to the precise needs of the child. This ‘game plan’ is then discussed with the family at the final feedback session, which includes a comprehensive report.
Over the years, we are proud to have helped hundreds of students reach their full potential. We help by providing the families of these youngsters with the tools and resources, that are needed to succeed. A complete and comprehensive battery of tests are administered and utilized to diagnose multiple instances.
Cognitive strengths and weaknesses
Specific learning disabilities (SLD)
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Autism spectrum disorder
Gifted learners
Psychological processing disorders (auditory, visual, sensory motor integration)

Areas of Assessment
Psychological-educational assessments are unique because of the specialized testing instruments used.
These tests measure an individual’s thinking, problem solving skills, conceptual understanding, information processing, and overall intelligence.
These instruments measure present levels of performance in reading, arithmetic, written language, and oral language skills.
These tests evaluate behavior, social-emotional development, and the ability to get along with others.
These tests evaluate an individual’s ability to receive, understand, and use verbal language.
These assessments measure individual strengths and weaknesses in processing information, including acquisition, recording, organization, retrieval, display, and dissemination of information.
Sensory motor integration
These instruments measure the ability to initiate and stop actions, to monitor and change behavior as needed, and to plan future behavior when faced with novel tasks and situations.
These tests measure how a student actively processes specific information present in the environment.
A formal interview is conducted by the examiner to assess early childhood development and concerns related to the referral.
Additional means of assessment are used with parental consent, which includes observation, teacher interviews, review of records, and rating scales.